Monday, August 23, 2010

GIRLS: Is this man's advice to me accurate, or should I disreguard it?

I found this a little earlier and was wondering if you guys agree.


OK old guy to young guy.

ASK THEM ALL. When in doubt ask the girl.

Life is simple and most of us guys don't get it until we are too old. So keep this in mind.

Boys ask girls out. Girls get to say yes or no. What you don't know is girls worry that boys won't ask them. And they want boys to ask. They even want boys to ask that they will tell no as it makes them feel 'wanted'.

But the real secret is if you notice a girl then she has probably worked really hard to have you notice her. So don't make a big deal...don't fret...just go up and say hello. If she talks back nice ask her to see her again.

Wish I'd have believed this advice years ago.

But keep in mind some will say no. It is not the end of the world it is her doing her job. So don't let it hurt. And the next one that catches your eye..ask her...and the next and the next.


Accurate?GIRLS: Is this man's advice to me accurate, or should I disreguard it?
yep. very true.

i wish every boy knew this.GIRLS: Is this man's advice to me accurate, or should I disreguard it?
Yes, I think that is a very good attitude actually.
very accurate!
omg so trueeeeeeeee
yeh it is
wow that is so true, i'm a girl and i'm kinda like that in a way..

but ive never been asked..

what do u have to say about that?

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