Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Advice for Aries girl wanting a Pisces man.?

My good friend is an Aries and she's dating the notoriously elusive pisces man. I'm a pisces woman, so she asked me. What should I tell this Aries about a Pisces man? Thanks!Advice for Aries girl wanting a Pisces man.?
my horse likes to lick everything.Advice for Aries girl wanting a Pisces man.?
ARIES-PISCES : These are strange bedfellows. They admire, love and sometimes, hate each other. Piscean the dreamer, sees the fulfillment of his/her desires in an Aries-born. Pisces will always try to calm down the fiery temperament of Aries, and will not always succeed. Aries loves the sense of belongings towards a Piscean. Though sometimes Aries could be rough and cruel towards their Piscean mate.

What it's Like to Date a Pisces Man:

Pisces man is is the ultimate romantic, the sensitive man who feels with a woman. Pisces male is the ideal zodiac sign for the woman who complains that men are not sensitive enough, this man is. However, he has such an ideal of romance that is unrealistic and will fall out of love when he realizes that there is no such thing as the perfect woman. This man lives in the world of dreams and he needs a woman to keep him grounded. He always seems to chose the wrong woman, or a woman he can't have like a married woman that way there is no worry about becoming emotionally attached. He needs a woman who can dominate him, but very subtly. She has to be able to help him steer clear of bad habits and bad thoughts. Pisces man needs sensitivity, generosity and compassion, nurture him and he will nurture you back. A fulfilling emotional relationship for the strong yet sensitive woman.

How to Attract Pisces:

talk about spirituality, the occult, astrology, anything that is out of reach of the real world. They will easily get lost in a good conversation. Although they are attracted to people with severe problems who desperately need help, this actually does more harm them good. Even though Pisces will offer to make everything right, do not allow them to take on all your problems because they will lose their identity in your situation. They need a strong positive partner to make them strong. Pisces like adventure, new situation and social events and will be up to doing almost anything that you suggest. Make them laugh, they are usually melancholy and will be impressed if someone has the ability to make them laugh. They are not very conservative people so do not be afraid to talk about unconventional or strange things and tell them odd jokes, they will be impressed by that. They are suckers for flattery give them compliments and tell them in a roundabout way that you admire them. Be sensitive, generous and gentle, make them feel comfortable with you and make them feel good about themselves and all will be smooth sailing!
DK has written a load of rubbish. Pisces men do not conform to stereotypes. There are lots of different characters. Your friend is going to have to find out the human way, by interacting, not by consulting a dead astrologist.
wat they said about how to impress pisces is true . but pisces could loose interest jus as fast as he gains it for any reason.
as a friend they are good cause i have 80% Pisces friends
thats awesome to know im also pisces

thanks for the info guy...and about ur Q

ha-hope 1 of them helped u..lol

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