Sunday, July 25, 2010

Serious man advice?

Ok I've been seeing this guy for a month and he's already asking to spend the night together and asking me to cook him breakfast and dinner to me it's a turnoff I barely know him and I wanna take my time and get to know him I'm not in a rush for anything everybody says I'm so old fashion what do you thinkSerious man advice?
I agree with you 100%. If he is doing this now, can you imagine how he will be in the future? Hmm I dont think he has the right to rush things so soon! You need to tell him, and if he doesnt like it, kick him to the curb!

Good Luck!Serious man advice?
You need to tell him!!
I think you should take your time. besides he sounds demanding. He should be making you dinner to woo you to romance you. What happened to romance?
Do what you think is right.. Dont let any man try to pursuade you into doing what u dont want to do.. Be honest and tell him up front how you feel.. If you havnt talked to him yet he might think you feel the same way he does.. Dont b afraid of hurting him or making him mad.. if he cant understand or dosnt want to do it your way.. back off then.. if you dont hold yourself strong against him then he will know that he can get away with anything with you.. You have the right to take your time and not move in with each other or cook for him..ect.. kinda sounds like hes looking for a maid or housekeeper more then a gf.. If you let him spend the night after only being together only a month.. He just might never leave then you will have a harder time getting him to leave.. He prob will just move right on in, then you loose your privacy, your house to him.. And another thing to tell him after you tell him NO that he cant stay overnight.. is only seeing each other for 1 month is really to fast and im not ready to make that commitment to you.. think about if it didnt work out between you two in a couple of months.. You'd have alot of baggage to get rid of.. Just say NO
Just mention that you think he is moving to fast for you... I dont know but I wouldn't be doing that to a girl I just met for a month lol
i don't think you have anything to feel uncomfortable about. if you want to take thinks slow you should. i'm with you on most of it, must go at your own pace, just communicate with him openly so there is no misunderstanding about it, you don't want him to feel rejected. tell him you want to take it slow due to your own comfort level and not because your not interested in him. just relax and have fun,,, at your pace. : ]
He's looking for a mommy, not a wife. RUN!!!!!
I think you are much better than have high standards and nothing about that is old fashioned. It just means that you think highly of yourself and respect yourself enough not to do something you will regret later. I think you are strong person and should be straight up with this guy. If he doesn't respect what you want and give you some space to get to know each other than I would doubt if he is the right guy for you. He should be understanding if he is truly in love with you. I guess I really believe that if a guy can likes you for your personality first of all, then the physical stuff will just add to that. I guess what I mean is make sure he doesn't just love you for your body but for everything else you have to offer. I think you are a cool girl for wanting to have some time to get to know him before taking a big step that you may regret in the near future. Good luck and don't give up on your standards just because people call you ';old fashioned'; I think it's cool to be a little old's smart!
No matter if anyone says you are old fashion or not, you are YOU!!! I guess I am as old fashion as they come, well when it comes to morals anyway! If he is going to fast, tell him before it starts bothering you so bad and ruins the relationship all together!!! You have to have communication in a relationship or it won't work!!
you do hae the right to say no you may wanna say it in a nicer way but let him no say whats on your mind if he dont like it let him go/ and as for him thinking it romactic why cant he cook for you and why dose he feel like he has to ask if its something that you wanted to do im sure you would do it on your own
ok, he's just anxious to get to know u and probably a little excited and has a lot of thoughts.

just tell him to take it slow. he seems like he's into u, just be someone who nurtures the relationship, cuz i think he might like u more than u like him...but u could like him more as time comes...just be patient and open
i would tell him, i mean, if you ant him to he can spend the night but ASKING you to make him b'fast and dinner? that is just WRONG!
You are probably thinking that if he asks you to cook for him that you're acting like a maid to him. But I think its much different! It's sucha wonderful thing when a person you like makes something for you to eat for dinner. He might just think its romantic but if you are old fashioned you might find it like you're the women working in the kitchen. Spend the night with him! Have dinner! And you'll have fun. It doesn't have to be boring.
God, some guys just don't have any clue and get clingy and obsessive so fast. Nothing turns off a girl more...just tell him to slooooow down, Tiger.

To be honest, sounds like the whole thing is going to play out badly in the end...

edit: in response to the old-fashioned bit, why should you change who you are just because this dude obviously has an infatuation/obsession problem.
I don't think your old fashioned, you just need some time to warm up to him, but first you got to tell him he is rushing things.

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