Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Does anyone have any pointers in finding a man? I need advice or a boost.?

I'm a 40 year old woman who is ready for a boyfriend (it's been a long time) I feel I'm not aggressive enough. I need a little help. Thanks!Does anyone have any pointers in finding a man? I need advice or a boost.?
I did a lot of on-line dating.....I met only wackos.......not saying there are not nice guys on there just the chances are slim.......I am 43 and met my husband the old fashion way...we were introduced....just start letting people you know know you are ready to meet someone.....I was also big on just smiling at men everywhere (store, car wash, church, anywhere) never know who is going to smile back....they may have not seemed like my ';type'; but who knows until you talk to them just a suggestion that might work for you.Does anyone have any pointers in finding a man? I need advice or a boost.?
Finding a man is like finding a great job, the best ones you hear about through friends, not from the job ads!

Network my friend. Go lose a few pounds or get a tan or a new haircut and get some confidence going, then tell all your friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. that you are serious about finding a good man and put them to work for you.

I will bet that people have thought to themselves ';Dave's brother Bob would be perfect for her....'; but then did nothing because they thought they may be butting in your business.

Let people know it's OK to fix you up, but also tell them you have standards! If you keep this up and if you ask the right people, you will have a lot of interested candidates.

Have a freind with a great husband? Great, ask if he has a friend who is single, really.

I dated a millionaire for a while who's great aunt I know from church fixed us up!
Your best bet is to find something you feel strongly about and get involved. If there is a charity, social cause, religious activity, or something else you care deeply about, join a formal activity. Or even if it's just something that matters to you on an enjoyment activity. If you love public speaking, join toastmasters. If you love dancing or acting, join a group that does that... then you will meet people with like interests, and without all the pressure that comes with meeting them in a dating environment. And even if you don't find Mr. Right, you might make some lifelong friends.
Go to happy hour I am only 22 and that's what I do. Even if you don't drink that's a great way to mingle and meet new people. You might not find a ';man'; but you will meet a lot of new people who will in turn know more people and so on and then you just might run into Mr. Right, it takes time and have fun doing it. Plus of you do drink try to hit different bars around your town, most bars have happy hour. I meet the most amazing guy that I have ever meet at the bar, he's great and I am so happy that I decided to get a drink that night, we are still as madly in love as ever. And if you don't find a guy will I bet you drank a good margarita. LOL
Feel Confident.

Do somethign that makes you feel good.

Like get a new hairstyle that makes u feel strong.

And makes you think you look hot.

When you feel good about yourself

and your apperance go to a bar, club

even the supermarket and just get your flirt on (:

Hope that helps!
well im a 30 yr old male , hispanic from north jersey . heres my e mail - jayquan228 @ y a h o o . c o m any singles females interested . see hun that was easy just have reach out sometimes. pics upon request . lol

go to a dating service online, or get one of youre friends to hook you up. Don't be afraid to ask guys out as well. If you like a guy, ask him out!
try online, yahoo singles, etc etc. That way you can get to know the guy before meeting him and make it a little bit more comfortable for you.
I just celebrated my 4th wedding anniversary and it never would have happened without
i'm right here; want a younger man...j/k

just put yourself out there a liitle more. when you meet a guy get to know him and just let it happen.
Just be sweet and honest and do not settle for less than a Christian gentleman !
always look your best and confident and dont rush things.
glad u asked this...i could use some help too
online would be good for u.
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