Simple, age is nothing but a number. You're the one who is creating all these things in your head. If he says he loves you and is willing to leave everything else behind for you, why should you break his heart? Don't worry about what other people will think, you live your life alone, so my friend, live it.
Don't do something because it's what expected of you, don't live your life the society's way, live your life the way you see fit. So follow your heart and i wish you all happiness.Younger man vs older man? Need SOLID advice please!?
its better to love and have lost then never to have loved at all.
it is not age that is a problem with relationships it is what people want and when they want it. do you want a career and then kids, no kids at all, kids now and a careeer at the same time, what kind of religion are you for if you are one and he is another that may play into affect as to how you can get along, what are your interests and political views. All these things should play into who you date not the age thing. We all grow up at differnt times and some never grow up. what do you want in a relationship and remember a true relationship will have rocky times and good times
Neither. You have obvious hesitations about both men.
I, personally, am dating a younger man but only 2 1/2 years younger (I am 26, he is 23). I don't think a man at 23 is too young to make life decisions, but I kind of know how you feel, there is a maturity difference. But everyone is different, and he - at 23 - may be plenty old to make such a significant decision. People get married a lot younger than that. You shouldn't be trying to ';mother'; him and tell him he's too young. But, that said, I think there are other issues (such as maybe purely the fact that you think he isn't mature enough for you) that makes you hesitant about the relationship. Maybe you don't want to wait until later when he is ready. Maybe you don't like the fact that he isn't prepared to marry you now. Maybe he has some other characteristic that bothers you. Whatever it is - I don't think that you want to marry someone that you have these insecurities about because eventually that can come back to ruin the relationship. And you've already dated - don't waste your time in a relationship that's not going anywhere.
But I also don't think you should date a man who you only have friendship feelings for. It is true that you want to marry someone who is your ';best friend'; but if there's no passion in the relationship you will eventually find yourself wanting other men who can give you that. It's also unfair to your older friend for you to date him because your other option (who you have more feelings for) is slightly less appealing - you should date (and marry) a man because you can't imagine doing so with anyone else. Yeah, maybe that's a bit idealistic, but a lot of marriages end in divorce and I seriously think it's because people get married because they are afraid to be alone, not because they have found the right person.
So, my vote is neither man. Take some time by yourself. Get over your last relationship. Do some online dating if you feel like you have to date. Meet people, be single, go out with friends. Wait until you find someone who makes both of these guys seem like ancient history - or at least makes you glad you didn't make a huge mistake.
Noble thoughts........and u're on the right track.....older guy in my opinion.......more stability, less risk..........less chance for heart break
Follow your heart and what feels right.
SOLID advice here:
You DON'T hook up with the older --- because YOU said... it's just a friendship that you feel.... (now that's out of the way)
Girl, girl, girl !!! (six years is NOT a big age gap)! Maybe you are right, at this moment in time.... marriage isn't the thing to do... but come on... what's six years... nothing!
My sister is five years older than Her husband and they have been married for 24 yrs!!! (happily)!
You are NOT stealing the 23yr olds youth --- He's a man.
Follow your HEART on this one... your happiness is what you need to consider, because if you are happy; you'll make the person in your life; happy. Take your time with all that you do... but most importantly, ';follow your heart';.....(good luck)
thats not that big of an age gap. dont talk like your an old granny, get over it and get back together. ..or go get a rocking chair.
5 years older isnt anything either,, so he looks good on paper, thats biodegradable.
He is 23 years old, old enough to know what he wants and if thats you why should a 6 year gap stand in the way. If he wants you why would he want a younger women, you could have that fear with any man not just him because he is younger. It should be a complament. Go for it. Its better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all.
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