It is kinda hard to tell because he is making it kind of difficult to anserw.Need a mans advice?
WEll it looks like he does has feeling for u, but u have to understand that in hes over there in the middle east,, in the middle of that hellhole! And hes going through some hard times,, be patient.
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some men feel that if you were his woman when he left and you met someone or messed with someone else while he was gone and he found out when he came back it would hurt him deeply. so they break up with their women before they go .other fear they might not make it back and they don't want you to hurt or be hurt by it.its not him you have about right now you have to worry about you this is the time that you should be thinking aboutwhat your going to do war changes people are you going to be able to deal with the change? are you ready to except what comes ? or is it him you really and miss or just the idea of not being with him sometimes the idea of being alone makes us scared and we want to run back to wht we know to be get use to being with you for while and get to know more about your self most important be strong .whats meant to be will be.
Just enjoy the ride. There is no harm in what is going on now but I would suggest you don't focus on the goal of marriage and just enjoy him. Sometimes things can be good and then we start to make more of it than what it really is. So keep your thoughts to yourself and just be watchful of him and what he says. Words without action means absolutely nothing.
It sounds like he wants to wait until he gets back here from Iraq. However, a bigger variable is how well do you know him. If he is a person that 'sticks' to his word (all make mistakes, the frequency is what one has to watch), he may be worth waiting for. If he tends to frequently tries to do something else, be real careful.
didn't you already ask this question before?
just go back and re read the original.
but thanks for your perseverance.
I'm a girl, but I think he wants to get back together. It's probably hard for him to tell you about it since he is gone overseas.
I suspect that the reason he doesn't want to talk about it fear that he will jinx himself. He's scared to make plans before returning home for fear he'll get killed in Iraq.
my be he going to surprise you with a ring
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